Natives Are Everywhere

 Native People Are Everywhere

I art directed, produced and edited a series of animated videos for the Field Museum’s Native Truths: Our Voices, Ours Stories exhibition. The illustrations and animations was created in collaboration with the motion design team, Tiny Wolf. The videos are located in a touch screen interactive featuring various native community members discussing topics on language, land acknowledgments, native youth and the memory of Apsáalooke tribe leader, Grant Bulltail.



Felicia Garcia (Santa Ynez: Chumash) on Land Acknowledgments


St. Kateri Center of Chicago Youth Circle Members on life as urban Native youth


Scott Shoemaker (Miami Tribe of Oklahoma) on Language Revitalization


Tim McCleary on Grant Bulltail (Apsáalooke)'s life and military service


Field Museum Exhibition: Native Truth: Our Voices, Our Stories

Illustrations and Motion Design: Tiny Wolf

Art Director, Producer and Editor: Latoya Flowers

Exhibit Developer: Meredith Whitfield